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The History of

St. Joan of Arc Parish

Established 1940

Because of the rapid growth of Southwest St. Louis, it

became necessary to establish a new parish at Hampton and Pernod avenues near the Hampton Village district. 


Father Michael F. Cronin brought a section of ground,450 by

300 feet, and had ground broken Oct. 29, 1940, for a building

that will eventually be the parish school but which is being

used temporarily as a parish church. 


(click on underlined words on this page for more information)


Original church building


One of the newer parishes in St. Louis had its formal beginning in 1941, when the Church of St. Joan of Arc was dedicated March 9 of that year by Cardinal Joseph Glennon.


The dedication of the church was a festive occasion.  Cadets from the Christian Brothers college, the Columbus girls, Knights of Columbus zouaves, parishioners and visitors formed a guard of honor from the rectory to the church.  The South Side Catholic high school back played while the procession was in progress.


The new St. Joan of Arc church...was designed by H. I. Helmuth of Florissant, architect. The building program of the parish was (slowed) because of war conditions, but Father Cronin hopes to have a school in operation in the not too distant future when material and labor become more plentiful.  For the present, children of the new parish will attend school at either Epiphany or St. Gabriel’s. 

Excerpts from St. Louis Register Catholic Newspaper

Father Michael F. Cronin


In God’s Providence, St. Joan of Arc Parish came into being on September 30, 1940, when Archbishop John J. Glennon appointed Father Michael F. Cronin as founding pastor. 


The parish was one of the first in the country

to be named for the Maid of Orleans following her canonization.

Excerpts from

St. Louis Register Catholic Newspaper


New church construction


On February 16, 1949, our school was opened.

During the 1950’s, the parish grew in size and numbers.


In 1955 a new rectory was built on Oleatha Avenue.  By 1957 a convent had been erected on the site of the old rectory, and for the first time the Sisters of Mercy, who teach at the school had housing facilities within the parish boundary.


Ground was broken for the new church on Easter Sunday, 1959

Excerpts from St. Louis Register Catholic Newspaper

St. Joan of Arc Church

On October 30, 1960,

His Eminence, Joseph Cardinal Ritter

dedicated the new church.


It was of contemporary design, built of buff brick and with stone trim to harmonize with existing parish buildings. 


No seat was farther than 70 feet from the altar.

Arthur F. Stauder was the architect.

Excerpts from St. Louis Register Catholic Newspaper

Parish Rectory

5800 Oleatha Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139


School Office

5821 Pernod Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139



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