Frequently asked Parish Questions
I am new to the area.
How do I register as a parishioner at St. Joan of Arc?
Welcome! We’d love to talk with you!
Call the rectory office at 314-832-2838 or stop by the office at 5800 Oleatha (on the northeast side of our campus)
during regular hours, Monday-Friday, 8 am - 4 pm
How can I talk to a priest in an emergency?
During the above office hours, call the rectory and they will help you. Otherwise, call 314-288-5285
Who can I talk to about returning to the practice of my faith or learning more about becoming a Catholic?
We encourage you to speak to Fr. Craig Holway or almost anyone!
We do have an established program you may join for Christian Initiation.
To find out more, click on ‘A Journey of Faith’ to access our website information.
I am willing to volunteer some time to the parish. How do I start?
How gracious of you! We encourage everyone to get involved in the parish!
Your good works will lift us all up, contribute to the stability of the parish and build you new friendships.
First, think where your interests and skills are: prayer, artistry, organization, professional, cleaning, landscaping, whatever!
Next check out our Organizations web link at the top of this page for descriptions and/or call the rectory, 314-832-2838
and they will put you in contact with the right person! Welcome aboard!
What do I need to do to have my infant baptized?
Congratulations! We welcome this new life!
Baptism takes place on the last Sunday of the month following the 10:30 am Mass (except during Lent.)
Parents must contact the rectory at 314-832-2838 to arrange for this and set their date to attend the Pre-Baptism Class.
This session is required for parents who have never attended a Baptism preparation session.
How do I register my children for Religious Education classes?
Our parish does not have our own Parish School of Religion for students not attending the parish grade school.
Our parishioners may attend anywhere else but the closest is at St. John the Baptist location.
Please contact Ms. Nancy Haselhorst, CRE at 314-773-3070,
I want to have my child receive First Holy Communion or to be Confirmed. What do I need to do?
Parishioners not attending our grade school do join with them for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (in November), First Holy Communion and Confirmation (after Easter). Please make sure you contact our rectory office at 314-832-2838.
I want to get married at St. Joan of Arc church. What do I need to do?
Best of wishes! You will need to call to make arrangements with a priest or deacon at least six months prior to your wedding.
Talk to them after Mass and/or call them at the rectory at 314-832-2838.
I want to have a Mass said for a deceased family member. How do I go about doing this?
The rectory office handles the Mass schedule. Stop by, 5800 Oleatha or call 314-832-2838.
We provide a Mass card to send to the family to advise them of the date and time their Mass intention will be held.
Someone in my family is in a nursing home or is ill.
How do I arrange for Fr. to visit them?
How do I go about obtaining the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick for them?
Anointings, Hospital Visitation or Communion calls are for anyone elderly, homebound, ill, or in danger of death.
Any parishioner or family member may call the rectory, 314-832-2838 and make a request.
Someone in my family has passed away. How do I arrange for a funeral Mass?
We join in prayer for your loved one and your loss.
Funerals and Memorial Masses may be arranged either through the mortuary of your choice (they will then contact the parish)
or by calling the rectory directly.
Is there a Holy Hour at the parish when I can pray before the exposed Blessed Sacrament?
Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction are offered on Saturday afternoons: 3:00 to 4:00 pm. We also offer this at 7 pm on Advent and Lenten Monday evenings. Also, watch the bulletin for additional times.