Our Mission…
Our Athletic Association strives to enhance the athletic experience of the children of the parish from Kindergarten through high school. This includes teaching them the skills needed to compete at all levels, from instructional leagues through competitive CYC leagues. The children's sports activities of tee-ball, baseball, softball, soccer, volleyball, and basketball are coordinated through the St. Joan of Arc parish organization. Adult parishioners are encouraged to participate and are needed as coaches, referees, scorekeepers, equipment coordinators, etc…
To support these programs we sponsor many social fund-raising events such as parish dances, fish fries, and trivia nights. Your participation, either as a worker or as a patron, is greatly appreciated. Please visit Get Involved volunteer page to see how you can help us support your children in athletics.
2015 Bishop Koester Soccer Tournament
Athletic Association News & Notes
Helpful Web Links
SJA Gym Use
• Gym Practice Schedule
• Gym Game Schedule
Gym Scheduling
• Contact: Mary Vorhies
• Phone: (314) 832-2838
Welcome Parents to the Athletic Association Home Page
2013-2014 Athletic Association Board Members
Join us for the 2015 SJA Athletic Association Trivia Night!
November 7th, Doors Open at 6:45 PM, Trivia starts at 7:30 PM
$20 / person. Includes Beer and Soda
Tables of 8
Vice President
Jeff Howard stl311freak@yahoo.com
Shannon Howard
Nicole Tregoning - nikki2124@hotmail.com
Jonathan Abner jonathan.abner@gmail.com