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St. Joan of Arc School Alumni Association

Alumni Registration Form

This information may be used to send you notifications of future SJA events or reunions. 

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Questions / Comments

Cathy (Bertram) Crowe ('67)


Welcome Alums

     Welcome to the alumni community. Hope you take some time to look around the entire website and learn about what is going on at the Saint Joan of Arc School you remember. Please take time to sign-up on our registration form and help us to keep you updated.


     This association is only now forming and would appreciate any suggestions to make it helpful, useful, interesting and able to meet your needs!


This year of 2015, St Joan of Arc Catholic Parish

is celebrating its’ 75th Anniversary Jubilee!


     Established in 1940, the first graduating class wasn’t until 1951, and boasts of 2,935 alums (by our admittedly unsubstantiated records!)


     Each year since 1973, St Joan of Arc has held a Homecoming.  It is held the weekend after Labor Day.  For the 6th year, we have had an Alumni Booth at the Homecoming and this year was a great success with 236 grads checking in and updating their contact info.  Remember Homecoming if you are planning your class reunion; we have built-in entertainment and food choices! 


     Please pass this info along to anyone and put on your Facebook pages. 


     Contact for more information.  Hope to see you at the SJA Homecoming! 

Parish Rectory

5800 Oleatha Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139


School Office

5821 Pernod Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139



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