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Frequently Asked School Questions


Can non-Catholic families attend SJA?

Yes! SJA welcomes families of all faith backgrounds, though students enrolled in our school are expected to participate in the religious education program.


What grades does St. Joan of Arc School serve?

St. Joan of Arc Catholic grade school serves grades K-8.

St. Joan of Arc Kid Kare offers full and part time preschool starting at age 3.


What are the requirements for admission?

Students must be 5 years old prior to August 1st and pass a standard Kindergarten readiness screening to be eligible for Kindergarten registration. Active parish families are given first priority to register. Permission from the pastor may be required for students of non-parish families. At the time of registration, please provide the student’s birth certificate and current health record. Catholic families are required to present a

Certificate of Baptism.


Where can I find more information on the St. Joan of Arc Learning Center?

St. Joan of Arc is very happy to partner with the Archdiocese of St. Louis Department of Special Education. For more information on this program, please visit their website at


Why Catholic Grade School Education?

Catholic Grade school education provides a nurturing environment that establishes a foundation of Christian values that shape the student for a lifetime.


How often do students attend Mass?

Our all school Mass is held every Thursday at 8 A.M. All are welcome to join us!


How does SJA foster a student’s faith?

Our religious education curriculum teaches students about their faith and encourages them to grow as Catholics. We also prepare our students to celebrate three sacraments:  Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist in 2nd grade and Confirmation in 7th or 8th Grade.


SJA students are encouraged to develop their faith outside the classroom as well. Our parish offers many opportunities to enrich our students’ religious development, such as Children’s Liturgy at the 10:30 A.M. Sunday Mass, the Advent Wreath making party, and other events. Students in grades 5 through 8 are invited to participate as altar servers.


Are uniforms required?

Yes. St. Joan of Arc requires all students to wear a school-approved uniform; however, the uniform is flexible for the time of year, weather, picture days and birthdays. Please see the Parent Handbook for a complete explanation of our uniform policy.


What are the expectations for homework?

Our school believes that homework is essential in reinforcing classroom material and building strong organizational habits. Younger students will often have less than a half hour of homework. Older students will often be assigned an hour of homework to prepare each night. For more information, please see

the Student Handbook.


Does St. Joan of Arc use an on-line grade reporting system?

Yes! Our teachers use an on-line system called Teacher Ease to record attendance and grades. Parent can easily access this information at any time.


How can I check my child’s grade on line?

After you provide the school office with your email address, you will receive a welcome email from Teacher Ease. It will then walk you through the steps to access your child’s account.


Does St. Joan of Arc have a preschool?

Yes! St. Joan of Arc Kid Kare offers both part-time and full time preschool for ages 3, 4, and 5. Please see the St. Joan of Arc Kid Kare handbook for more information and pricing.


Is after school care provided?

After school are is offered after every full school day until 6:00 P.M.

For more details, please see page 5 of the Kid Kare Handbook.


What time does my child eat lunch?

Students in grades Kindergarten through 4 eat at 11:30 P.M., followed by recess. They return to their classrooms at 12:20 P.M.  Our upper grade students (5-8) go to recess first at 11:45 A.M. and then eat from 12:00 to 12:30 P.M.


What are the student’s lunch options?

Our school partners with Chris’ Pancake & Dining and offers a lunch program on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Lunch menus are sent home a month in advance and must be ordered ahead of time. The lunch menu us also available on the St. Joan of Arc website under “Important Resources”.  Students also have the option to bring their lunch. Please refrain form sending soda, glass containers or fast food items. There are microwaves to heat food and younger students will receive assistance.  Milk is available (both chocolate and white) for 17 cents. We also provide ice water.


What if my child forgets their lunch?

Students are not allowed to call home for a forgotten lunch. We will give them a package of whole grain crackers, string cheese and a carton of milk.


What extracurricular are offered?

There are many opportunities for students outside of the classroom. Here are a few:


Band (grades 2-8)

Bellarmine Speech Team (grades 5-8)

Mini Vinnies (grades 1 through 8)

Mrs. Pentecost’s Choir

Student Council


Chess Club

Student Council





Can my child participate in sports at SJA?

Yes! We offer athletic opportunities for students of all ages.

Baseball/softball – Kindergarten through 8

Track – Grades 3 through 8

Soccer – Kindergarten through 8

Volleyball – Grades 3 through 8

Basketball – Grades 1 through 8


How do I sign up for a team?

To register your child for a SJA sports team, go to EZRosters and set up an account for your family. You can learn more about SJA Athletics by visiting the Athletic Association’s website.

Parish Rectory

5800 Oleatha Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139


School Office

5821 Pernod Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139



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