Advent Reflections - Week 1 - Marge Konkel
"Be Watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come…" Mk:13:33-37 We live in the information age. And often when I am in a...
November Letter from the Principal
November 2014 Dear Parents, It is hard to believe that it is time for Parent -Teacher conferences! It is a privilege to partner with you...
Good News-SJA Mini Vinnies
The Saint Joan of Arc Mini Vinnie Club is dedicated to service and to support the parish SVDP. Last week, club members decided to serve...
Archbishop Carlson Announces His Support of South City Catholic Education
From Msgr. Mike’s Desk Over the past couple of years the parishes of the south city with schools have been strategizing for the future....
Blessing of the Pets at St. Joan of Arc
The Saint Joan of Arc School 6th grade class held a Blessing of the Pets on Thursday, October 2nd, in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. ...
SJA Student Council Officers at the Cathedral
Saint Joan of Arc Student Council Officers attended the Mass in honor of St. Louis IX at the Cathedral Basilica. They brought the icon...
SJA Homecoming Dates Announced
The Annual St. Joan of Arc Homecoming will be held September 6th and 7th. Food, Rides, Games, Lots of fun. Check out the Homecoming...
K Acts of Kindness
Inspired by a sermon from Msgr. Mike, the Kindergarten Class at SJA decided they wanted to come up with some "random acts of kindness."...