Lenten Reflection - Jim Curry
“Whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst.”
(John 4:14)
Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for a drink. She replied, why would you ask me for a drink, Jews have nothing in common with Samaritans? Jesus then began to tell the woman about the gift of God and living water. She was unsure of Jesus and the living water until Jesus was able to tell the woman about her five husbands, then she became a believer in Jesus.
Jesus’s message is for the woman to believe in the Father and the Spirit and truth.
This message is if we believe in God and the Spirit and the truth, we will have what we need. The hard part is that we have distractions that take our focus off of what is really important for us to believe in.
We are all busy trying to make good lives for our families. Providing what we believe are the important things in life. We get caught up in working more than we should to pay for the so-called important things. We should be teaching our children about faith in God and truth through our own actions.
By spending time with our children and family together we can teach them to reap what we sow. We should teach our children how to worship God, how to work to provide for your family, and how to work together as a family; teaching them to be truthful in everyday life though our words and actions.
A final thought about John’s message is that when times are tough and things may not always be going as we plan, if you have faith in God and ask for help you will always get what you need. Usually, He answers your prayers in ways that are so unexpected that you are surprised and pleased to know that He has answered your prayers.
Jim Curry